Routes Tracks Mountain Activities
Tracks of routes for mountain activities, falling within the coverage of the detailed maps of it-maps, iskartour, published by all users.

Here you can browse the route tracks, published from all users.
Choose the right ones for you and download them.
Or register yourself, upload your route tracks and share them with the community.
Or just share, where you were last : ) ………..
With uploading of your GPX route track, the platform will visualize recorded route track and points in it and will generate the following technical characteristic of your route:
– Total distance
– Max elevation
– Min elevation
– Total climbing
– Total descent
If you have points, recorded in your GPX file, they will appears on the map and will be active on click, with their names. For example, as in this post: Peykata Downhill DH Bike Route
Step by step, the process of uploading a route track:
1 – To upload your one GPX tracks of Routes Tracks Mountain Activities, you have to register yourself:
By registering, you are already in the role of author, which automatically means that you can upload files and publish routes.
2 – On your dashboard, in left menu panel, select WP GPX MAPS button:
3 – Choose GPX file to upload:
4 – Once uploaded, will see your GPX file in the table list. Copy the shortcode, with clicking Shortcode button:
5 – On your dashboard, in left menu panel, select Posts – Add New button:
6 – In loaded Add New Post window, add title of your post and in post content area, just paste, copied shortcode of your route track:
7 – Click Publish button, click it second time, to confirm, that you are ready and the post with your route track in online. Click View Post button and you can view the post, with your route track on the map, with generated technical characteristic:
If you have points, recorded in your GPX file, they will appears on the map and will be active on click, with their names.
And that is all. We will add your route track to appropriate categories and tags for you and will adjust if something is needed.
If you want to add a new category to be associated with your post, like region or kind of activity, write to us here and we will add it.
Of course, you can always add a few photos to your post, a description, add it to some of the existing categories, add tags, or whatever you find important:
By uploading your route, you agree to allow all other users to download your GPX file.